


Doubra Azazi won first place in the 2023 大吵闹的想法 competition for presenting his clothing brand, Elisium.

2024年4月17日 通过国内外强有力的外部伙伴关系 学生创新创业(SIE) branch of the 世界杯官方app Najim中心 has expanded its programming for Roadrunners. The SIE has created an ecosystem that enables 世界杯官方app students from all majors and backgrounds to develop their entrepreneurial mindset and gain translatable skills that they can put to use to start a business or build their careers.

国际教育学院全年提供多种课程,包括 城市的长途跋涉, an immersive experience where students venture into downtown San Antonio to learn from and network with local business owners, 和 创业学院, a 10-week paid innovation sprint where students explore and develop practical skills alongside industry leaders.

The programs are mutually beneficial for students and 世界杯官方app’s community partners — students gain access to unique experiential learning opportunities, while San Antonio employers gain access to a pool of students who are prepared to join the workforce after graduation.

“We want students to realize that entrepreneurship is accessible to them regardless of their age or prior experience.”

“Historically, SIE programming has focused on science, engineering and tech ventures. We’ve expanded that this year to include other avenues for entrepreneurship, 如电子商务, 非营利组织, 并提供专业咨询服务,” 艾丽卡•克拉克他是世界杯官方app学生创新和创业主管. “The 社区伙伴关系 我们和极客王国一起建造的, 益百利, Dell, 社区第一健康计划, Blackstone Launchpad and others around the city are creating a pipeline for San Antonio talent and helping our student entrepreneurs from a broader range of disciplines thrive — from computer programmers and scientists to artists and designers.”

Doubra Azazi presents his clothing brand, Elisium, during the 大吵闹的想法 competition.

Doubra Azazi, a senior majoring in information systems, is one of many students to benefit from this 扩大创业生态系统. 大二的时候, he participated in the Najim Strategist program where he worked with The Historic Pearl, developing methods to improve sustainability and eco-friendliness 为 popular San Antonio dining and shopping destination.

His time in the Strategist program was the first of several experiences with 您的 and Najim中心. 最近,阿扎齐在2023年赢得了第一名 大吵闹的想法, an annual SIE competition that helps budding entrepreneurs cultivate the skills needed to successfully launch and scale a startup, 同时向当地投资者和企业主展示他们的想法.

阿扎齐为埃利西姆所做的宣传, 他的服装系列主打定制皮夹克等产品, t恤及鞋类, 给他挣了5美元,000英镑的奖金,以启动他的品牌的发展.

作为获胜者,他还得到了来自 休·史蒂文斯他是世界杯官方app职业参与式学习特别项目主任. 史蒂文斯有丰富的商业经验, including owning a clothing company that offers apparel like custom-tailored suits. This made Stevens the perfect person to help guide Azazi and teach him best practices for managing his own brand.

阿扎齐把这归功于史蒂文斯的支持, Clark, his peers 和 大吵闹的想法 contest for helping him build on the success of Elisium. 该品牌现在列出了NFL球员等名人 马利克哈里森 和说唱歌手 Tyga 作为顾客,两人都被拍到穿着他的衣服.

“我第一次有创建这个品牌的想法是在大一的时候. I wanted to create designs to make people stand out and feel good about themselves,” Azazi said. “现在看到像Tyga这样的人真是太疯狂了,我从小就听着她的歌长大, 她是个大名人,还上电台, 穿着我的商品.”

SIE的影响范围也超出了世界杯官方app校园. 2023年秋天, the office launched its inaugural NextGen Entrepreneurs Program in partnership with Steubing Elementary School in San Antonio.

该项目与近70名五年级学生合作, introducing them to the basics of innovation and business through presentations, 实践活动和实地考察当地公司. 这项新倡议是由 安娜Almaraz 23年,M.B.A. student in the Carlos Alvarez College of Business and a past participant in several Najim中心 and SIE programs. 

“We want students to realize that entrepreneurship is accessible to them regardless of their age or prior experience,克拉克说。. “We hope to create a clear pathway so young students know that 世界杯官方app is a place where they will have the support to develop their creative ideas while earning their degree.”

Students also have opportunities to sharpen their skills abroad with 您的 全球暑期学院, where students work in countries like Argentina and Germany to solve social, 跨国公司的文化或环境问题.

⇒ 了解更多世界杯官方app SIENajim中心 以及如何参与即将到来的项目.
⇒ 发现更多的 career-engaged学习 在世界杯官方app提供的机会.

除了, 您的, 与世界杯官方app大学就业中心合作, 被邀请出席 首届国际峰会全球创业中心联盟(GCEC), an organization comprised of around 300 colleges and universities that promotes student entrepreneurship. 这次峰会, 今年夏天在曼谷举行的, 泰国, will give 世界杯官方app staff and students an opportunity to showcase the university’s successful programs and innovative approaches in front of a global audience.

The SIE branch of the Najim中心 creates an environment where students from all backgrounds can access resources for career exploration and preparation and discover experiential learning opportunities. 通过参与项目, 比赛和个人发展计划, students gain real-world experience and polish key competencies that will give them an advantage when transitioning into the workforce after graduation.  


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